Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

cosmological coincidence

I have seen you again, on rain.

I got my eyes on you, and i feel warm.

Its a good day huh? Perfect day to say something?

I still stared on yours

Is it cosmological coincidence? I mean, last cosmological coincidence.

Maybe, i wouldn't stay no longer, another city sounds good.

Could you say few words? and we'd do nothing.

Surely, its crap.

Maybe we could have a date sometimes, i mean the real date.

On the other line, other time

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

ut omnes unum sint, credat mundum

20 things that make a girl super cute, here's my brain :

1. If i ask about music, she'll answer sleeping with sirens, blink 182, asking alexandria, etc.

2. Watching movies in my room.

3. Talk much than me, and silent when she should be.

4. Stare on my eyes, while i stare on her eyes. its amazing ^^

5. Laughing on my joke althought thats not funny anymore.

6. Get her time what she should be. when should be feminine, when should be masculine.

7. Good kisser

8. Short haired girl.

9. Come to my show, be the girl of the rock show.

10. Driving around together without any destination.

11. Wearing vans, converse, nike, macbeth.

12. Leaning on my shoulder.

13. Do something weirdos everytime, and being crazy.

14. A good reader for my blog, a good listener for my talk.

15. Smart girl, but idiot about the way cheating on me. i got my eyes on you!

16. Forthright against everything.

17. Do midnight conversation on phone until fell asleep.

18. Talk in car for a few hours.

19. Love me for what it is, not for something. you assholes!

20. Let me know about her family ^^


Rabu, 08 Mei 2013


I guess this is my alter ego. side things of my bad and good which take me along on universe. this makes me life when before i was a walking dead man. i don't know what i supposed to do. a good friend of mine said " you're better to move, but you should do something right. not the way how you did before ". I'm a bad boy but I'm not a jerk at all. the walls laughing me, the sounds of morning are taking me to right place that i need to release all bads, and memorabilias. you could find me somewhere when I'm alone if you're getting lucky. I'm tired with all fake dramas, when people need to be looks good in front of douchebags. so you're douchebag. i was keeping my alter ego before, so now i should throw it away. it's amazing to be yourself.

i have a quotes that i found when i was blogwalking. happy is when you know you share it with the right person. and the saddest part is feeling happy but knowing that we're not meant to be. (sadega)

and you'd been better to die.


kangen ya.. hehe

Noted, night draft

Sesuatu yang buat lo susah tidur, sesuatu yang buat lo ngayal ga karuan, yang lo ketawa sendiri,  yang lo senyum senyum sendiri, sms telfon yang selalu lo tungguin walaupun ga tau kenapa, yang ditingal bentar tapi udah ngerasa kangen bgt, suatu perasaan yang lo sendiri ga ngerti apa sebenarnya ini, apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.

Yang ketika ngeluarin kegilaan yang tersembunyi dari diri lo, ketika lo grogi buat sok jaim, ketika lo yang terpana ketika liat dia senyum, ketawa. Suara dia, ketawa dia, lucu lucuan dia,

Kadang gue terlalu egois yang terlalu terjebak dalam masalalu gue, sikap buruk yang terlalu membanding bandingkan sehingga dampaknya malah jadi ke hubungan yang selanjutnya.

Mungkin benar cinta punya tanggal kadaluarsa, sperti film yang barusan gue nonton, dan gue yakin lo juga pasti nonton. tapi ego yang yang menjebak ga akan pernah nuntun dalam keindahan masa depan. yang lo banyakan mikir, banyakan mau. yang perlu lo lakuin adalah nemuin sesuatu yang ngebuat lo seperti orang ga waras.

Semua orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing masing yang perlu dilakuin adalah bagaimana cara menerima semua itu dalam kenyamanan. dan ini bukan tentang hal ketikan sms atau ucapan "aku sayang kamu" yang sarat akan makna namun nihil tindakan, tapi lebih ke "aku mau nangis, aku mau jd pesuruh, aku mau ketawa, aku mau bahagia, aku mau sakit, aku rela apapun asal bisa sama kamu" karna serpihan bahagia itu adalah sakit dan seneng bareng kamu. mungkin emg ga mudah, tapi gue yakin tanpa terjebak pun nemuin sesuatu hal yang bikin lo ga bisa tidur karna cuma mikirin ketawa dan suara dia pasti akan datang.

Night noted.